Hi! My name’s Clifford Chi, and I’m a bro dramedy writer. In June 2024, I graduated from UCLA's MFA Screenwriting Program, where I discovered my passion for scripted comedy, organized UCLA's MFA Screenplay Contest, and interned at Media Res Studio and Circle Management + Production (formerly Circle of Confusion). Before film school, I worked in the tech industry as a marketer for four years, highlighted by two and a half awesome years spent in Boston.
Growing up in St. Louis, Missouri, I was always the token Asian kid. And I did whatever I could to fit in with my white friends. Especially if it made me seem like a bro. In high school, I was a baseball-obsessed jock who took pride in getting B’s in math class (my Dad is a math professor). In college, I was a fireball-guzzling frat boy. Then a “cool” evangelical Christian. And then an overly ambitious tech bro. I’ve been through a lot of phases in my life. But I have so much to write about now.